What to do when you are stressed out......
You can't expect a person who burns his head off in office from 9 to 5 and spends an added 4 hours at home finishing the rest of his work, to please you with a warm smile at the end of the day.It's natural,he too is a human who will feel pissed off if he work like a robot.You can't avoid the works, you have the bills to pay off, but you can avoid the stress.It's amazing how these small things can do wonders on being included in you daily schedule.
Meditate-Every morning or evening, set apart some time to meditate.But during meditation make sure that you don't further pressurize yourself by trying too hard to concentrate.Just close your eyes and relax, don't block your thoughts, let them just flow out.
Do some exercise-By exercise I don't mean lifting heavy weights,turn on the music and do a few simple exercises like hip rotation or forward bend.
Listen to music-Listen to some soothing music, or any genre of music you like.But do keep the low enough to avoid a bad headache..
Read/watch something funny-Go to youtube and watch a few funny videos or read the comics you like and laugh hard.Laughing is the best medicine on earth for stress.
Spend some time with your family-I know that family can be boring at times,but sometimes even they can save you when you when you are too stressed out.Talk with them about your childhood/ few funny incidents of the past.Forget about work for sometime and put your mind on something else.
write-when you are too stressed, penning down your emotions, will help getting rid of your bad thoughts and will thereby make you feel better.
take a hot shower-this is something i always do.It's like a medicine that gives you instant freshness.And always something that always works.
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