
Monday, 23 September 2013

                          Why The Right Time Never Comes.....

                            Life never home-delivers the stuffs you need and say "there you go buddy".You need to earn it,you need to work hard for it.But sometimes,you work hard, you do everything you can,you give your 100% to something, but still when you finally get an opportunity, you step back because it was just not the "right time".The situation is so confusing that you are forced to give up,you are just not ready to take risk,because you are scared you are making the wrong move. I've done this a lot of times and now I regret doing it.If you too have done this /is doing this then let me make something clear-the right time never comes.You know its like crossing the seven seas to find a genie in a bottle,and when you finally find it, being scared to open it because, you think the genie might eat you.This happens because in your mind "right" means something that ordinary people normally do "wrong" is something extraordinary, something unique,something different.Your mind is half right- by choosing something out of the ordinary, you are taking a risk.But let me tell you one thing, life will never ever give you a second chance.99.9% times its -do it now or never.Life will never ever offer you a second chance with a perfect timing.You may feel like its wrong inside,you may feel like its not the right thing,but know that its normal,its something everyone feels when in your position.So tell yourself that all the sufferings you have gone through and all your hard work has finally brought you this opportunity.Maybe it's a hard path,maybe its not the most easiest option available,but if you were able to reach till here ,then you can definitely make it to the end.It might be a long way ahead ,but make yourself strong, tell yourself that you have come halfway through, now even if you decide to quit its the same long journey back, so its better to keep moving forward.If you were able to reach till here then you can take it from here.Remember the 3 words- hard work,perseverance,will.

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